The law states that if asbestos is suspected in a building or structure, an asbestos risk assessment must be performed prior to demolition.
This is necessary to establish if there is asbestos, and if there is, what type of asbestos is present and what health risks there are.
The relevant laws to this are the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) and the Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) 2002. These laws govern contractors who work in the demolition sector. They make controlling asbestos and providing safe working conditions a priority.
If asbestos is suspected in a building or structure, it needs identifying so it may be removed or otherwise dealt with safely. Identification of asbestos is also necessary so procedure can be followed and the material recycled efficiently.
The most common types are chrysotile (white asbestos), amosite (brown asbestos) and crocidolite (blue asbestos). White asbestos is the most common and considered the least hazardous. Brown and blue asbestos are the nastiest types, known to cause lung cancer and a wide range of other respiratory illnesses.
Because demolition disturbs a structure in its entirety, the potential for asbestos to break up and for the fibres to become airborne is high.
Our workforce will remove asbestos safety following an asbestos risk assessment. Or, if you prefer, our workforce will provide the assessment around other trades so you can safely remove the asbestos based on our recommendations. Please note though that you will need a license to remove asbestos in most circumstances.
Chrysotile (white asbestos)
Amosite (brown asbestos)
Crocidolite (blue asbestos)
Tremolite (multiple colours)
Actinolite (dark brown or grey)
Anthophyllite (grey-brown)